Ethnos360 Training
Ethnos360 members spend two years learning from more experienced missionaries.
Many candidates start out wondering why they need the training. After two years, they realize that they need much more training, and that there is team of experienced people who will help them along the way. ethnos360.org/videos/get-ready-go
Prerequisite to Ethnos360 Training is a practical working knowledge of the Bible. After all, you can’t teach what you don’t know, right? If you don’t have the prerequisite knowledge, Ethnos360 Bible Institute is one of the best places you can do to meet the need. Why Bible?
When it comes to missions, how do you learn what you don’t know that you need to know? There are two ways:
- The School of Hard Knocks (Failure)
- Education from people who have already been there
Some of the things you might need to know include:
- Unwritten languages: How do you learn one? Why is it necessary?
- Bible translation: How do you teach the Bible when the Bible does not exist in the target language?
- Literacy: Why is literacy necessary? What does a sustainable literacy program look like?
- What is a thriving church?
- How do you teach people obedience “to observe all things whatsoever I [Jesus] have commanded you”?
- What is government red tape and how to do you work through it?
- How do you provide basic medical care for your family in a remote jungle?
As you go about your work of establishing a thriving church, you may need to know something about…
- Ordination of Church Leaders (When and how do you ordain leaders?)
- Incarnational Discipleship (How do you disciple someone who thinks very different from you?)
- Foundational Bible teaching (Where do you start with teaching the Bible?)
- Bible translation (When and why is a Bible translation necessary?)
- Sustainable Literacy (Why bother teaching people to read?)
- Learning a mysterious culture (Culture is the meaning behind words, sentences, and paragraphs.)
- Heart language communication (Why teach people in their own language?)
- Language competency to high fluency (Why does a missionary need to be highly competent in the target language?)
- Being there on location (Why do missionaries need to live near the people they serve?)
- What is a thriving church?
- How do you go about planting a church?
- Who do you ordain as indigenous elders?
- What Bible lessons must be taught?
- How do you translate the Bible?
- How do you establish sustainable literacy?
- How do you decipher a mysterious and hidden culture? (The meaning behind the words.)
- How do you learn an unwritten language to a high level of fluency?
- How do you provide for your family while living in a remote place?
- How do you build a place for your family to live in the jungle?
- How do you build relationships with people so that they will trust you with their unwritten language?
- How do you establish peaceful contact and community safety with a people group with whom you have little in common?
In missions, people often see little value in taking time to be trained by experienced missionaries. “The urgency of the task is too great.” “Dying people are separated from God.” What is often missing is the painful experience of having unintentionally misled people away from God due to enthusiastic miscommunication and lack of cross-cultural knowledge.
Missionary training can not fix everything, but learning to walk with God in an “impossible” ministry with the knowledge of the experience of other missionaries can greatly help with being effective.
Ethnos360 Training facilities are staffed by experienced career missionaries. Their objective to give to new missionaries the insights and skills that will help them succeed in completing their Biblical mission.
Prepared to Thrive: Training future church-planters (and support teams!) (Ethnos360 Magazine article.)
Learn More:
- Ethnos360: Who or What is Ethnos360?
- Full Time: Serving as a career missionary
- EBI: Ethnos360 Bible Institute (also Online!)
- Wayumi: Intro to Cross-Cultural Church Planting Missions
- Short-Term: Interface, Encounter, Volunteer
- Internships: Field Support/Stateside
- Support: Teamwork for Thriving Churches
- Giving: ethnos360.org/give
- Sending: Ethnos360 Church Booklet
- Aviation: Millions Unreached None Unreachable
- Leaders: Church & Discipleship Resources
- Enduring Relationships: Thinking Eternal
- FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions
- Representatives: Meet, Coffee, Lunch, Zoom, FaceTime
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