Ethnos360 Bible Institute

God wrote a book.
There are some things He wants us to know. 
The most important education you can have on earth
is learning what God says about Himself, His word, people and eternity.

What investment is better than to study how to invest your life toward what really matters? 

Ethnos360 Bible Institute: Where Bible Education and Missions are One.

At Ethnos360 Bible Institute you will:

  • study every book of the Bible in two years.
  • have experienced missionaries as your instructors. 
  • graduate debt free.

Attending Ethnos360 Bible Institute could be one of the best choices of your life.

There are two paths for Ethnos360 Bible Institute:

Need more Bible?

Going to Ethnos360 Bible Institute (fka New Tribes Bible Institute) was one of the best choices of my life. The things I learned have been a part of my life every day since. 

I didn’t think I needed to go there. I applied for missionary service with Ethnos360 but was told that I needed more Bible education as a prerequisite to career missionary training. They were right. I learned so very much more at Bible Institute!

I thought I knew...

I thought I knew a lot about the Bible. I was in church a lot, hearing sermons between three and ten times a week. My parents were missionaries.

I attended a Christian college where we had required classes in Old Testament Survey, New Testament Survey, devotionals before every class, and Chapel services several times a week. I led a Sunday School class in church and helped lead the youth group. I knew a lot about the Bible – or so I thought.  I mean, all anyone needs is to open the Bible for themselves and read it, right? 

Wrong. There were huge gaps in my Bible understanding. Part of it was my hodgepodge approach to the Bible as if it were a food buffet with a variety choices to select. The truth is that I had not yet read much of it and had a limited understanding of the portions of the Bible that I had been reading.

Yes, God teaches us by His Spirit through the reading of His word. Words have meaning in the context of sentences, paragraphs and the cultures in which they are written. The authors had intent in writing. The audience had historical and cultural contexts for understanding. There is a framework in which God has revealed the Scriptures and in which they were written. There were specific things that were being addressed to specific audiences. We can learn from all of that. Rightly dividing the word of truth requires that we be students.  Adding to our faith virtue, knowledge, temperance, patience, godliness, brotherly kindness and charity requires growth to maturity over time. (2 Peter 1)

There are very good reasons why God tells leaders to teach the word. It presupposes that even a person doing self-study needs a guide. Self-study is also repeatedly entreated in Scripture. (2 Timothy 2:15) The Bereans were commended for comparing what they heard with what God has written. (Acts 17:10-12) Bible literacy is God’s idea and a vital part spiritual growth. 

Discipleship is very much a part of the great commission. That means an interaction of learning and teaching between people.

“Teaching them to observe [obey] all things whatsoever I have commanded you…” (Matthew 28:20)

If the command from our Creator to teach people to obey all that He commanded is not enough, here are more reasons to study the Bible.

Deuteronomy 6:6-8, Deuteronomy 17:18-20, Joshua 1:8-9, Psalm 1:1-6, Psalm 19:7-11, Psalm 119:11, Psalm 119:105, Psalm 119:165, Proverbs 1:1-7, Proverbs 2:1-22, Proverbs 3:1-7, Proverbs 4:20-21, Isaiah 55:11, Hosea 4:6, Matthew 4:4, Luke 24:25-27, John 8:30-32, Acts 6:2, Romans 12:2, Ephesians 6:11-17, 1 Timothy 4:13, 2 Timothy 3:16-17, 2 Timothy 4:2, Hebrews 4:12, James 1:22, 1 Peter 1:24-25, 1 Peter 3:15, 2 Peter 1:5, 1 John 5:9-13, Revelation 1:3.

Are you willing to be led?

God has ordained leadership. 
There are Biblical qualifications for leadership.
There are people who have been Biblically qualified to lead us. Beside that, there will always be someone who is a little bit further along in the journey of faith and the practical application of God’s word to daily living. We can learn from them.

Teachers can help willing participants to — 

  • recognize areas of needed personal growth,
  • gain a huge jump start in Bible knowledge,
  • realize errors in understanding,
  • discern gaps in personal virtue,
  • expand in the ability to minister to other people, and 
  • gain skills that will be useful for a lifetime.

The best preparation for life ahead...

People are often timid about giving advice to young people because “it might not be God’s will for you.” What could possibly go wrong with encouraging people to invest time to learn God’s eternal message that He wrote for our practical instruction while living on earth? (Check out the verses listed above!)

Of course I realize that God works in the hearts of individuals to direct them where He will. At the same time, there is tremendous freedom to choose within the framework of what God is doing on earth. A bold action of faith in God against the popular advice of the world could hardly go wrong. A lot of people in this generation are anxious. I think that is rooted in a lack of confidence in God. Knowing God, His worthiness to be trusted, and choosing to trust Him helps us overcome a lot of our concerns. 

At Ethnos360 Bible Institute you will be spending time with people who have also chosen to go against the flow of the world toward God and His written word. 

As I prepared to leave home as a young adult, someone cared enough to give me some very good advice. I paid attention to it.
I am so sure it is good advice that I will pass it on for you to consider…

“Attend Ethnos360 Bible Institute”

Can you teach what you don't know?

Like I did, many students attend Ethnos360 Bible Institute to meet the Bible knowledge prerequisites for a career of ministry with Ethnos360. Other students go there before continuing on to college. I didn’t know what I didn’t know going in.  Staff and students can help you discover what you need to know for a lifetime of ministering God’s word to other people. 

You will not learn everything you need to know, but you will get an excellent jump start and an introduction to excellent resources for further learning. 

Learn as much basic knowledge as you can from your instructors, 
discover the framework of the Bible, 
memorize key passages of Scripture, 
find out how to use resources that are available to you, and   
be trained how to do your own research using Bible study tools.

What better way to prepare for a career in ministry and missions than to learn from those people who have dedicated their lives to do what you want to do?

See what Ethnos360 Bible Institute has to offer.

 *** Request Information ***

God Wrote a Book! –> Bible Best
It’s about God’s mission –> Missions Intro

Learn More: 

(The only step you can take by faith is the next one.)

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