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WOLBI 202410
1) Black Screen Logo 2 tag line 2)] Thank you for the privilege of speaking with you today. Has anyone here been to Wayumi? 3)
God’s Global Purpose
God is worthy to be worshiped by all peoples in all of the world. God is lavishly good all of the time. He is the
Be A Missionary
Be A Missionary? Have you ever considered that being a career missionary might be the most rewarding and fulfilling thing you could do with your
Why translate the Bible into other languages?
Can we accomplish The Great Commision without the Bible? Jesus told us to go into all of the world, preach the Gospel to every creature,
Spiritual Formation
What is Spiritual Formation? Often we focus our attention on becoming or knowing rather than entering into a living relationship with our Creator. We tend
Welcome To Bible Foundations Radio! You can know God. Who is He? What is He like? What does He require of us? What does He
Video Intro
God’s glory Overview When will you come what we do – Smyth intro Urgency – Preparing people to go Short Term Wayumi – course Encounter

The Ministry vs the Mission of the Church
Immediately after the resurrection there were few believers. Few people outside of Jerusalem knew what Jesus did. No one had told them yet. People outside
Right Here Right Now
Missionary work seems so far away. What can we do toward missions right here right now, in our colleges and universities, in our churches and
Establish Disciples
Establish Disciples It’s about knowing God and helping other people to believe Him. Have you ever lived in or visited a place where people have
Bible Overview
The Bible is the world’s best seller. It’s message has shaped entire nations and cultures. It’s influence has penetrated the darkest places. It’s theme has
The Bible is the world’s best seller. It’s message has shaped entire nations and cultures. It’s influence has penetrated the darkest places. It’s theme has
Missions Here And Now
Global Missions at Home? “Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.” Mark 16:15 Can you construct a church building
Privacy Policy
Last updated: November 09, 2022 ———————————————————– This Privacy Policy describes Our policies and procedures on the collection, use and disclosure of Your information when You
Teamwork: Supporting Your Global Missionaries
I don’t know if I could plant a church in a remote place on earth, but I would like to effectively support missionaries. How can

How-to: Want to cultivate a heart for cross-cultural missions ministry?
I have been asked, “My church seems to have no heart for missions. What can I do?” This author is not an expert, but as

What is Faith?
What is Faith? Isn’t faith simply believing God? God said it or wrote it; if we believe Him and act on on what He said,

Heart for missions: How can we cultivate a heart for missions in our church?
I have been asked, “My church seems to have no heart for missions. What can I do?” This author is not an expert, but as

Protected: Pastors and Church Leaders – Why Wayumi?
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Missions Frequently Asked Questions Most frequent questions and answers about historical mainstream Christian missionary work This page is written with the assumption that

What is the Good News?
The Good News is that God has provided the way for helplessly sinful people to be given perfect righteousness and be brought into His fellowship

Career Ministry in Missions: Why put your heart into it?
Why engage in a career ministry in missions? Many years ago I was given the greatest gift of my life. I was given the light

Missions Intro
Missions Intro As an introduction to missions, we want to share these short videos. There are many more resources in the links at the end

What is Cross-Cultural Church Planting?
“Church Planting” means different things to different people. Defining terms becomes necessary when meanings abound. For some, church planting can mean: Construction of a new

Why Mobilization?
Three important reasons: God. God’s glory must be made known to the ends of the earth. He is worthy! Others. God’s love compels us to

Strategic Planning: Local to Global
There was a time in history when the Bible did not exist in our language, where our people had no access to the Good News

What Is The Goal Of Missions?
The objective of missions is to ship the realization of God’s worth everywhere that people might respond to Him through faith in Christ.

There are a number of ways we may be able to assist the ministry of your local church. I would love to talk with you

Protected: CPC Barn
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We left our home in Seattle in 1970, wondering how God would provide and what we could do. My parents packed the four of us

Missions FAQ
Missions Frequently Asked Questions Most frequent questions and answers about historical mainstream Christian missionary work This page is written with the assumption that

In 1998, we provided ground support while John Meerstra and an aerial survey team flew over the mountainous jungle looking for villages which might belong
Ministry & Aviation Videos Need to see God in action today? Here are some testimonies. People Title Description Type Duration Hewa

Resources for people who are endeavoring to work as career missionary bush pilots.

Missions: You Might Die If You Go
Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone: but if it die, it

Money and Missions
Key Missions Topics Missionaries talk about: Money and Missions “Completing God’s mission: Hire someone or do it yourself?” Hire someone. Business owners might tell you

Why Bible?
THE MOST IMPORTANT EDUCATION The most important education of your life is your Bible education. More than what you know, life is about who you

Reaching Every Language Group And Ethnic Group Of Our Generation With The Gospel Is Possible
On the highest authority in heaven and on earth, the disciples of Jesus have been commissioned to go to every ethnic group, preaching, baptizing and

What is a Missionary?
Fields of Workers God’s Mission: Good News What is the mission? Teaching everything? Good News to Share: Good tidings of great joy which shall be

Five Things You Need To Know About Missions
What is God doing on earth and what is my role?
why should I be a career missionary
What are the Biblical reasons why a person should engage personally and wholeheartedly in God’s mission? Why ME Completing the Great Commission Why Be A

Momentum Comes From Unveiling God’s Glory
Let It Shine The beauty of light is that by it we see everything else. Dazzling white snow. Rich green evergreens. Fall leaves in bright

A Missions Plan
What is the Plan? For many churches a missions plan is about allocating money, screening requests, and reporting to the church. Thinking strategically about missions

Mouk Momentum
After showing the video Ee-Taow!, I often hear comments such as, “How nice it must be to work with a people group who are ready
Five Things You Should Know About Mission
What on earth is God doing and what does it have to do with me?

Jeniae Completing the Great Commission Foundational to living good on earth is preparing well for life hereafter. I flew about half an hour climbing to

Under Construction – Please come back to see completed page. Literacy Completing the Great Commission Whose word should people hear? One of the best protections

Is God’s mission the basis of the Bible?
Bible Basis of Missions Completing the Great Commission The Bible basis of missions is the glory of God. He is worthy of being made known
We launched as Send100 campaign to help our supporters, and churches to whom we minister, understand what we are doing and why. Please pray for

How do we work locally to send people globally?
Equip Helping Each Other Complete the Master’s Commission Some of the greatest needs in missions are: — People who are