Welcome To Bible Foundations Radio!
You can know God. Who is He? What is He like? What does He require of us? What does He have planned for our eternal future?
God wrote a book!
The very foundation of a faith that pleases God is rooted in the identity of Jesus Christ. Understanding His identity begins in the first book of the Bible; Genesis. This study will lead you step-by-step to give you the substance and evidence needed to establish confidence in what God says He wants you to believe.
This website is intended to introduce an archive of a radio broadcast that began airing in 1996. Jerry Smyth taught an overview of the Bible using the method called Chronological Bible Teaching as shown in the “Firm Foundations” Sunday School materials.
Beginning in Genesis, the lessons build on each previous lesson, giving foundational information for clearly understanding the core of God’s message to you.
There are 71 audio lessons in Phase 1, Creation to Christ.
Is your faith built upon the strong foundation?
If your understanding of God’s revelation to man does not have a firm foundation, your faith may look something like the building pictured when difficulties come your way.
These Bible lessons are designed to help you establish Firm Foundations in God’s identity, His character, the problem of sin, and the substance of faith.
These lessons build upon each other. This means that listening to the lessons out of sequence could lead to gaps in your understanding of God’s progressive revelation of Himself to mankind. This is not an exhaustive Bible study; the lessons pull together the major themes of the Bible to reveal the key concepts.
This content is taught using the English language
King James Version (KJV),
aka. King James Bible (KJB),
aka. Authorized Version (AV).
This content is available on Spotify with links to many other services.
- 041 Israel’s Unbelief and God’s Judgement
- 042 Israel’s Unbelief and God’s Judgement 2
- 043 Israel in the Promised Land
- 044 Judges and Kings
- 045 Kings and Prophets
- 046 Prophets and The Silent Years
- 047 God Foretold the Birth of John and Jesus
- 048 God’s Promise Fulfilled In John and Jesus
- 049 God’s Promise Fulfilled in Jesus
- 050 Repentance, Faith, Identification
- 051 Jesus Tempted Resisted
- 052 Jesus Begins His Minstry
- 053 Jesus’ Ministry – Born Again
- 054 Jesus: Ye Must Be Born Again
- 055 Jesus: Miracles & Rejection of Pharisees
- 056 Rejection by Religious Leaders
- 057 Jesus Calms the Storm
- 058 Jesus: Delivers Gadarene Feeds 5000
- 059 I Am the Bread of Life
- 060 God’s Way Not Sadducee & Pharisee
- 061 Transfiguration
- 062 Jesus: The Only Door
- 063 Jesus Raises Lazarus
- 064 Jesus Loves Children – The Rich Young Ruler
- 065 Foolishness, Trusting in Riches
- 066 Rich Man and Lazarus
- 067 Triumphal Entry & Betrayal
- 068 Jesus on Trial – Crucified
- 069 Jesus Was Crucified
- 070 Meaning of Christ’s Death
- 071 Resurrection & Ascension of Christ
For source material or similar content
using other Bible versions and languages, see:
Source material – “Firm Foundations” – biblestudy.ethnos360.org
See also, Establish 101 on youTube or establishseries.com.
Why is chronological or foundational Bible teaching so important?
For other great material, see:
For everyone – The Story That Matters
For children – The Lamb – youTube video version.
Online audiobook – The Stranger on the Road to Emmaus – Learn About the Bible
Videobook – The Stranger on the Road to Emmaus
Read a book – By This Name by John R Cross
For homeschool children – Rock Solid Kids: Drawing Kids Near God’s Unchanging Heart
– rocksolidkids.org
– See the excellent Teacher’s Guide (Or here)
– Purchase the books at biblestudy.ethnos360.org – RockSolidKids
For Teens and Young Adults, see Interlocked at interlocked.online
Other Resources – See AnchoredInternational.com