We left our home in Seattle in 1970, wondering how God would provide and what we could do. My parents packed the four of us kids in a station wagon towing a small trailer and we moved to central Pennsylvania for missionary training. Less than three years later we were living in Borneo. In 1978 we moved to the center of the island in pursuit of the most unreached language group of people.
As our family began moving to live among the Urun Da’an people in Borneo, we wondered what God would do as we took steps of faith. Would we be safe? Would we be successful? Would they listen to God’s word?
There were a lot of unknown circumstances as my father and I took our dugout canoe up the river to ask permission to live among them. We learned a lot about the dangers of river travel with unknown people, jungle creatures, fast moving rapids and underwater ironwood snags. The Urun Da’an were a people whose reputation included sorcery, headhunting, and feeding visitors poison or shards of broken glass.
The Urun Da’an accepted our request to live among them and teach the Bible. The West, Poarch, Cork and other families (and their support teams!) labored over many years to establish churches among the Urun Da’an.
Living there in the center of Borneo, far away from modern conveniences, I learned the value of aviation in missionary work. Maybe I could help the missionary teams by flying and maintaining aircraft. Where could I get training? How could I pay for it? Where could I serve? How is any of it possible?
In 1981 I left the jungle for the USA and started moving forward by faith toward college, aircraft maintenance licensing, flight training, Bible school, work experience, missionary training, bush pilot school, support team building, and language acquisition.
In 1994 I moved to Papua New Guinea to serve with the missionary aviation team. God had provided in a variety of ways through many people in many places to make it possible for me to be there.
The wondering came again as we assisted many other missionary families with aviation support to begin and sustain ministry in remote places.
Through the links below, we are excited to share with you, our supporters and prayer partners, some of what God has done through your gifts and prayers where we ministered in Papua New Guinea.
Working among people who have had no Gospel witness, our objective is to establish thriving churches of people who are capable of joining us in proclaiming God’s glory to the ends of the earth, teaching everything.
These videos were recorded in Papua New Guinea, where we invested many years of our lives and have personal knowledge of the people and ministries. While we supported about seventy different ministries in PNG, the sample of testimonies in the links below will give you a glimpse of the consistent depth, breadth, longevity, and vibrance of the people who have been transformed by God’s grace.
Ethnos360 church planting teams also work in many other countries. We are actively pursuing laborers to help bring in the harvest of souls among the unreached language groups of those countries. We desire to reach into every ethnic group where Christ is not yet known.
We want to see more unreached language groups of people give praise to God like the people you will see in these videos.
Thank you for your support to enable our ministry.
I hope you enjoy these video testimonies as I do.
To God be the glory!