Missions Intro
As an introduction to missions, we want to share these short videos. There are many more resources in the links at the end of this page. This page was originally designed for students as a resource.
God’s intent to draw people from every people group is a primary reason the global Church is still here. God’s love for us gives us reason to share His love with other people that they may experience His grace, too. God demonstrates His love to a perishing world through those who have been redeemed lovingly telling other people of His glory that they, too, may enter into His fellowship for all of eternity. (Mark 16:15, John 20:21, Ephesians 2, 3:10, 4:11-12, 1 Peter 2:9)
Where the local church exists, God’s people will be sharing the Good News, discipling people to know God, and teaching people to obey Jesus Christ. Christ’s Body, the Church, will stand for truth in the community, tend to the ill or injured, help the poor, and equip people for ministry. As His ambassadors, they will apply God’s written word to the way they live; caring for widows and orphans, establishing qualified leadership, and sending messengers to where Jesus Christ is unknown.
Where the Church does not exist none of that is happening to the glory of God.
Missions is about establishing thriving communities of Christ-followers as witnesses of God’s glory in places where there was no Gospel witness. It is about sharing the goodness of God that we have already received with people who have not yet had opportunity to hear, believe and receive Him. (John 1:12)
Missions is about giving access to the Good News. Billions of people and thousands of ethnolinguistic people groups still have no access to the Gospel. Nobody told them about Jesus Christ.
Hewa - The Spirits Never Loved Us
The Hewa people live in a very remote place high in the mountains of Papua New Guinea. Today there are still many needs but there are maturing, thriving churches among them to share the Good News about Jesus to their neighbors and people in the regions beyond them. Click Here.
Core Values: Urgency - EBI
These Core Values of Ethnos360 Bible Institute reflect the values of Ethnos360 as a church-planting organization. Urgency… Click Here
Ethnos360 Engaging on the Edge
When people think of missions… Do they think of engaging on the edge of the Church? Click Here
Core Values: God's Word - EBI
Core Values – God’s Word – Ethnos360 Bible Institutes – e360bible.org – Click Here
Biblical Basis of Missions (GFM)
This is an excellent video from Global Frontiers Mission giving an introduction to the Bible Basis of Missions. The Perspectives course (perspectives.org) gives much more detail on this topic. See also my links below. Click Here
Core Values: Relationships - EBI
Before God created the heavens and the earth He was thinking about each person and desiring a relationship. Therefore, every person has greater value than anything in or on the earth. Drawing people into repentance and relationship with God and each other is a key part of missions. Click Here
State of the World (GFM)
How are doing toward completing the Great Commission? This video by Global Frontiers Mission gives a glimpse into the status of world missions. Click Here
School Teachers in Missions
“…because I’m teaching all of those people can do their ministries…”
“…because all of those people are doing their ministries as a team, the Bible is being translated and people are coming to know God…”
Teachers are necessary in the church planting. Not only do they enable other missionaries to use their skills and expertise, but they are preparing the next generation of missionaries for the good works which God has prepared in advance for them to do. Many children of missionaries grasp the eternal significance of their parents’ work and join the missionary team. Click Here
Smyths - Passing on the Vision
If they don’t know, they can’t go.
People need to know about Jesus to believe Him and receive the gift of eternal life. People need to know that there are unreached language groups of people who have no access to the Good News before they can go tell them. Click Here
Ethnos360 Overview
“…additional team members are needed as senders, donors, and goers. Missionaries are needed to connect individuals to churches to the work God is doing through Ethnos360.” Click Here
Bible Basis of Missions
The Need
Learn More:
- Ethnos360: Who or What is Ethnos360?
- Full Time: Serving as a career missionary
- Training: Apply / Learn about Ethnos360 Training
- EBI: Ethnos360 Bible Institute (also Online!)
- Wayumi: Intro to Cross-Cultural Church Planting Missions
- Short-Term: Interface, Encounter, Volunteer
- Internships: Field Support/Stateside
- Support: Teamwork for Thriving Churches
- Aviation: Millions Unreached None Unreachable
- Leaders: Church & Discipleship Resources
- Enduring Relationships: Thinking Eternal
- FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions
- Representatives: Meet, Coffee, Lunch, Zoom, FaceTime