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What are we supporting?

Mobilizing people for planting maturing, reproducing, indigenous churches among tribes of people who have no access to Biblical truth.

  1. Maturing churches among the least reached. We endeavor to bring unreached people groups into fellowship with the Living God through the grace of Jesus Christ to join Him by faith in His Word to declare His glory where He is not known. Through planting maturing Bible-believing churches among unreached people groups, we are working to equip tribes of people to be ambassadors for Christ to in regions beyond themselves when the missionaries are long gone.
  2. Inviting Christians into the harvest. We are mobilizing churches and individuals to work with New Tribes Mission to reach every tribe, language, people group, and ethnic group (nation) with the Gospel in this generation.
  3. The personal and ministry needs of Randy and Diana Smyth as they give all of their efforts toward these tasks.

Smyth Job Description

We need people. Bringing in the harvest when it is ready requires a large team of people. Without sufficient personnel, entire ripe fields go to waste – or, in the spiritual harvest, go to an eternity separated from Christ.

We work to bring people into the harvest. Persons impacted through the ministry of mobilization may influence many people in the years thereafter. A person mobilized to invest life in others will have an enduring ministry multiplying attitudes of faith for the glory of God among senders, ministry partners and those people to whom he or she is sent. Each could be a vessel God may use to bring the message of life to an entire language group of people.

As mobilizers we take part in any and all meetings where we can share the work of tribal evangelism and New Tribes Mission. We educate leaders and churches about tribal missions and specifically New Tribes Mission. To present tribal missions, we take part in opportunities such as homeschool meetings, Sunday School, church schools, Wednesday night gatherings, Sunday services, home meetings, camp meetings, conferences, prayer breakfasts or anywhere Christians gather. We are available to help local churches develop missions programs, evaluate their existing programs, develop short term mission events and plan missions conferences.

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