Inform, Inspire, Invite


Inform, Inspire, Invite. 


To reach people who have no access to God’s Word, the first step is to inform those who DO have access to God’s Word about those who do not. People cannot act upon those things of which they have no knowledge. Our ministry is about informing Christians about people who need them to act by faith in God’s Word. Giving our lives to help them is our reasonable service to God. (Romans 12:1, 2 Corinthians 4:6)


The Holy Spirit inspires people through the Word of God and the testimony of the saints. Our ministry is about bringing God’s Word to people who may respond in faith to declare God’s glory among the tribes. We have many stories of changed lives. We share scripture and testimony of how God has used ordinary people who have trusted God to reach entire language groups of people. Many of those tribes are now reaching other tribes with the Gospel. Faith comes by hearing the Word of God which is spoken by messengers who are sent.


Many missionaries have given testimony that they began serving in tribal church planting missions when a particular individual asked them to take God at His Word and begin acting by faith on behalf of unreached people groups. God used many people in our lives but Ken Johnston was the person God used to get the Smyth family moving. Our ministry is about inviting people to sacrifice things of value in the worldly economy to invest in things that matter in God’s eternal economy. Follow me as I follow Christ.

For each of the 2500 tribes who need to hear God’s Word there are 155,000* evangelical Christians. There are plenty of people who COULD work with us to fulfill our Lord’s command. We are actively seeking those people whom God is preparing to take personal responsibility, by faith, to do what Christ has commissioned us to do on the highest authority in heaven and on earth.

Go … teach all nations (ethnic groups) … all things whatsover I have commanded you.” Matthew 28:18-20