Our Work
Our objective is to find laborers and supporters to establish thriving churches among remote groups of people who will not otherwise hear God’s message for them unless we intentionally work together to tell them.
Randy & Diana are missionaries working with Ethnos360. We are seeking to engage Christians toward being and/or mobilizing missionaries to reach people unreached language groups with the Good News about Jesus.
Why "StillUntold"?
Why “StillUntold”?
God is good. God will end Evil, sin, and death. God wants people to be rescued from evil and eternal death. He has already implemented His rescue plan.
If people know God’s rescue plan, that’s their business. It’s their responsibility to respond to it after being told. (Ezekiel 3:17-21, 33:1-9, 1 Corinthians 15:34, 2 Corinthians 5:10-11, 18-20) If they don’t know, that’s our business.
If people do not know God’s rescue plan while we do, then it is our privilege and responsibility to tell them. His primary means of communicating His message is through His written word or book (The Holy Bible), through His Holy Spirit convicting people of sin, and through people who have already believed Him telling others.
The website name was Send100, but that seemed to focus on us. So we changed the name to stilluntold.org to draw attention to the ethnolinguistic people groups who have not yet been told about the identity/person, purpose, plan, people and processes of Jesus Christ.
We are endeavoring to build teams to Send 100 (or more!) missionaries (annually) to entire language groups of people who may not otherwise hear of Jesus in their lifetime. The rapture of the Church seems close, but we don’t know how close. Meanwhile, we work to bring as many people as possible with us in an eternity of fellowship with our Creator-Savior.
Would you like to have a part?
Career Missionaries
The greatest need in church planting and fulfilling the Great Commission among the unreached language groups is people to do the work that it takes to accomplish the task.

Go to the Ends
“I don’t understand God’s talk… If you don’t come live with us … I am going to cut off my finger.”
“We are just like them. We don’t have God’s talk, and we have no one to help us.”
People are needed who will fill the variety of roles related to planting maturing churches among previously unreached language groups. People are needed who will move in among people of unreached language groups to learn the language and culture, translate the Bible and teach people toward a maturing faith in Christ. Physical labor and skilled laborers are needed to fill supporting roles.
Randy & Diana are actively seeking missionary candidates to go overseas, young people to be trained in our Bible Institutes and churches full of people who will be actively engaged in reaching remote people groups with the Gospel. Randy & Diana have been sent to find help.
Serving Senders
Many people will not be able to go overseas themselves but are eager to do what they can to train the next generation of missionaries, actively support other people who will work overseas and build a sense of God’s purposes in the world among their local churches.
Randy & Diana work to actively engage people to support Church efforts to reach the world. They speak in churches, Christian schools, small groups, conferences and other gathering of Christians. Engaging people about serving the Lord, they set up displays in churches, universities and conventions to increase awareness of unreached people groups, tell of opportunities and invite people to join us to reach every tribe of our generation.
Interacting with Inquirers
After the initial contact with individuals about tribal church planting, Randy & Diana often follow up with the contact through email, phone calls, entertaining guests in the home and traveling to meet for more in depth conversations about God’s purposes in the world and our roles in His work. They advise candidates until they work through Ethnos360’s application processes.
Missions Experience Opportunities
Randy and Diana seek to engage people with opportunities to take action toward reaching unreached people groups.
1. The foundation of mission activity is an understanding of God’s glorious nature and our role as His ambassadors in the world who declare His glory. What is God doing in the world? What is our part in His plan? These things are known to us through the writings of scripture.
2. Testimonies of what God has done and is doing among remote people groups are encouraging and inspiring. Randy and Diana have a lot of vision-imparting testimonies and stories to tell of God’s glorious work among remote people.
3. We love to display mission videos to any group and answer questions.
4. We help direct people toward a weekend or weeklong tribal missions experience at Ethnos360’s Wayumi camp in central Pennsylvania.
5. People who desire a more in depth look at what is involve in planting churches among unreached people group can receive five weeks of practical training from missionaries who currently doing the work in Papua New Guinea. Randy & Diana help direct students of age 15 to 80 toward this training program.
6. Ethnos360 Bible Institutes provide practical Bible training with an emphasis on missions. In two years students are taught through every book of the Bible by experienced missionaries. Key emphases include personal application of truth. Randy and Diana actively seek students who will be equipped by this Bible training.
7. Ethnos360’s Missionary Training Center gives missionary candidates two years of practical training given by experienced missionaries. Randy & Diana actively seek people who will be trained as career missionaries.

We need your help!
More than financial supporters, we need partners who will invest themselves in the task of reaching remote language groups with the Gospel and proclaiming God’s glory among them.
- Active evangelism at home means more believers who can be equipped for ministry.
- Intentional discipleship means there are more people to who understand their purpose and can be sent as new missionaries.
- Foundational Biblical teaching about our eternal purpose for earthly living means there are more teams of people who have the vision to train and send missionaries.
- With more missionaries to send from the local church, the local churches have tremendous opportunities to build faith and to see God’s work first hand through people they know.
Team to Inform, Inspire and Invite
We would like to bring together our own team of 100 financial supporters, prayer partners and advocates to work with us to educate churches, inspire them with what God is doing and invite them to help us locate and send 100 people as missionaries with 100 supporters to 100 language groups. (See Inform, Inspire, Invite)
Teams to Send Teams
Each missionary family sent will also need to build a team of about 100 sponsors to enable them to minister effectively. This will require a lot of people to get involved with the repeated final command from the Christ who has been given all authority in heaven and earth.
There are already 100 language groups asking for a missionary to tell them about God. Many more do not even know enough to ask. Some have seen God bring dramatic positive change through the teaching of His Word in other language groups and desire to know more about God.
Eternity is forever.
Eternal life is forever.
Provision has been made in Christ.
Some people just don’t know about it!
We want to help them to hear, believe and act.
Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.
Faith comes by hearing the Word of God which is spoken by messengers who are sent.
The command from our Savior is clear. For each of the 2500 unreached people groups there are 131,000 evangelical Christians. The only things lacking are obedience, vision, purpose, people willing to do the work with people willing to do what it takes to support and send them.
The Send100 web site is about cooperative teamwork
to get the word out to the messengers
who will carry the message of eternal life
to remote people
who have not heard.
Will you join our team? Will you partner with us?
Ethnos360’s Core Values:
See more about our ministry at ethnos360.org/randy_smyth
Our Services