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About Ethnos360 —
Eternity is forever.
You get a short life on earth to decide
where you will spend it,
with whom, and
who you will invite.
What is the best gift you can give to another person?
The knowledge of eternal life. Life after death.
Did someone already tell you?
Someone gave you a gift.
Will you pass it on?
It’s about believing God and responding to receive His gift.
We tell people who have never heard the Good News!
People of more than a thousand languages
have no way to learn about
the identity of Jesus Christ
and what He did for them.
We heard because someone told us.
Will we pass on the message
of eternal life?
Our Creator God wrote a book.
In His book, He tells us about Himself,
world history, the characters involved,
how things came to be what they are,
the problems of the present,
what His plans are for the future, and
His ultimate solution for every problem.
God is good!
Everybody ought to know.
For those of us who have believed our Creator
about His goodness and holiness,
about our own sin, and
His provision for perfect righteousness
through faith in Jesus Christ,
heaven is a sure thing.
It’s based on believing the Creator God’s promise and receiving His gift.
We heard the message and received the gift because
someone else literally died to give us the Bible, God’s book,
in a language we understand.*
Someone else made sure we heard
God’s message in this generation and
had opportunities to believe God.
Every person, living and dead, will have an encounter
face to face with the Living God.
Each of us will give an account
to Him in regard to what we did
with what we know of Him.
Did we believe Him?
Did we act on that belief?
Revelation 20:11-15
2 Corinthians 5:10
As near as can be determined,
the estimate is that one third
of the world’s eight billion people
have never been told.
This site is about those who are
still untold.

“I will cut off my finger if you don’t come tell my people about God.”
Hiking over the mountains, the man came to ask for a missionary. Using a trade language, he could communicate simple ideas, but sharing the Gospel was not possible. The Bible did not exist in that language. No Christian anywhere spoke his heart language.
It would take an investment of years to learn his language and culture, translate the Bible and communicate abstract Biblical concepts, across an entrenched worldview, in a language he understands. The Great Commission requires discipleship, so missionaries would need to teach everything.
Who could be sent?
Many miles away, representatives of five other unreached language groups asked, “When is our turn to hear this message? We have no one. Who will tell us?”
They really don’t know the value of the treasure revealed in the message.
The treasure is Jesus and eternal life with Him.
He is the Creator of all things; the author and finisher of our faith.
Without Him was not anything made that was made.
He is the Author of life,
the only hope of eternal salvation.
He wants them to know Him and
they have not yet been told about Him.
Some ethnolinguistic people groups have realized
the impact that the message of eternal life
has had on nearby people groups
who have heard it.
Representatives from one hundred different language groups have already asked for a missionary.
Who will go do what it takes to tell them?
Who will say, “Here am I, send me?”

Language groups who have heard the message asked these questions:
“How long have your people held this message?”
“What took you so long to bring it to us?”
Most of the people of the two thousand unreached languages do not know enough to ask.
The “light of the glorious Gospel of Christ,
who is the image of God”
has not shone unto them.
It has been hidden from them. (2 Cor. 4:3-4)
Any of us who have heard the Good News about Jesus have this in common:
Someone told us.
Someone learned our language and told us about Jesus.
Someone translated in the Bible into our language so that we could read it.
One-third of the world’s people have no access to a Bible or a Christian.
No Hope.
Who will tell them about Jesus?
How will they realize the value of our treasure
unless someone who knows goes to tell them?
Who will go?
Who will send the messengers?
Will you?
Let’s work together to
send 100 missionaries,
each with 100 supporters,
to reach the untold.

All of us who are Christ’s followers have this in common:
someone told us.
Without the intentional effort of those who heard and believed the message of eternal life to make it accessible to us, we would not have heard.
We who have heard the message, and believed it, have an eternal and certain hope because the object of our faith is reliable.
Faith comes by hearing the Word of God
spoken by messengers
who are sent.
Numbers get messy
because values, doctrines,
definitions, and sources,
cause variations in numbers.
The point is not the number but the need.
Everybody’s numbers show there is a great need.
There are thousands* of ethnolinguistic groups of people who
desperately need someone
to present a clear Christ-centered message
in a language they understand.
The numbers grow
as you divide them by country,
geography, culture, religion, dialect, and politics.
For each of those 2500 tribes
there are 155,000* evangelical Christians;
more than enough to reach them all.
If there are twice that many unreached,
unengaged ethnolinguistic groups,
there are still 77,000 evangelical
Christians who could reach one.
The obstacle is not a lack of personnel,
but a need of vision, understanding,
and obedience to Christ’s commission.
People from one hundred of those languages
have already asked for missionaries
to tell them about God.
Most of them are still waiting.
All followers of Jesus
have this in common:
Someone told us about Jesus.
Barriers of geography, logistics, funding,
unwritten languages, mysterious cultures, lack of literacy,
the absence of Bible translation and
the lack of Christians willing to reach them …
all separate them from knowing Jesus.
These are people who could spend eternity with us worshiping the Lamb.
Unless we act intentionally to tell them,
those who have asked may not hear the Good News
in our generation.
For His own reasons,
God chose to deliver
His message of grace
using human vessels,
responding by faith
in His written word and
acting to love our neighbors.
We CAN do something!
Christ’s love compels us.
Our Biblical commission is not just evangelism.
Jesus told us to teach everything that He commanded us.
Discipleship means time on location
and intentional two-way communication.
Our goal is A Thriving Church for Every People.
We need your help to do this.
If we plant a church in a previously unreached language,
a thriving church,
they will be able to multiply our efforts,
carrying on the work of the ministry,
reaching people in other places
where Christ is unknown.
The task is too big for any of us to do alone,
but, working together,
we could finish in this generation.
We would like to invite you to join us in whatever way you are able.
People send missionaries because
they hear and believe God’s Word.
People disciple others to be missionaries
when they realize that this is what God is doing.
People go as career missionaries
because they recognize
God’s values and purposes.
People send missionaries when they have
developed a culture of sending.
Let’s invite people to join us
in making the necessary sacrifices
to glorify God and lay up treasure in heaven.
Many missionaries give testimony
that the catalyst for their action was this:
They were asked.
For the eternal life of the unreached,
For the reward of those who respond,
For obedience to the Great Commission,
For the joy set before us,
For the glory of God,
Would you like to help us ask?