Engaging school leaders, local churches and other missions.
Talking about aviation in tribal church planting.
Event planning meeting.
What We Are Doing
It can be rather difficult to have a part in something really, really important if you do not know about it.
We are representatives for Ethnos360. Representatives are about connecting Christians with language groups of people who know nothing of the Good News about Jesus and the Ethnos360 resources available to Christians to assist them with plant thriving churches among those unreached language groups.
We, Randy & Diana Smyth, set up this web site in an effort to inform, inspire and invite people to work alongside of us to reach unreached tribes; particularly in the area of finding and mobilizing willing workers. We need your vision, gifts, skills, resources and capacity to serve, as God leads you to work with us.
It takes a committed team to reach an unreached language group with the Good News. The task is urgent. The laborers are few. The needs are great.
Some people are gifted Bible translators, Bible teachers, and literacy teachers. Some have other roles. We can all use the skills God has given to us; perhaps as house builders, electricians, educators, pilots, aircraft maintenance specialists, administrators, engineers, groundskeepers, accountants, leaders, automotive mechanics, (and many other skills!), to help equip remote unreached people groups to become ambassadors for Christ in places where we might never be able go.
We seek to mobilize people to fulfill the Great Commission given to us by Jesus Christ.
Commissioned on the highest authority in heaven and on earth, we are striving to plant reproducing, Bible-believing churches among ethnic groups of people who have no access to either a Bible or a Christian. We work to equip people to be ambassadors for Christ who are also able to teach all that Christ commanded. (Matthew 28:18-20)
Mobilization — informing, inspiring and inviting people — is the starting point for moving people from their local church into the harvest among people who have no other access to the truth of God’s word. To meet a need people must first know about it.
God often brings many people into a Christian’s life to prepare him or her for His purposes. Many missionaries give testimony that the catalyst which caused them to begin taking bold steps was this: They were asked by a mobilizer to consider working as career missionaries.
The greatest need in missions is people who are willing to trust God to enable them to do the hard things; to accomplish what we have been commanded by Christ to do.
See Wayumi.com
What More Could We Do?
We need your help to multiply the team! We would like to invite many more people to serve as career missionaries and senders to reach unreached people groups with the Gospel. We can and do devote our own lives to this task. With your help we can do more!
Has it ever been easier to complete our task? There are more tools available to us to accomplish the task than were available to any other generation that we know about. There are helicopters to safely take you to the most remote places on earth. There are internet communications to talk with experts and supporters anywhere in the world. There are computer and handheld devices to record both what we see and hear, record what we have learned, and then consult with experts around the world. There are Bible translation helps at the tips of our fingers. There is accessible knowledge of history and the experience of others available to us night and day to help avoid the repeating the errors of others. There are creature comforts and health protections like never before: ways to store energy and water, tools to build houses quickly, curriculum for educating children in the home, comfortable bug resistant bedding, air conditioners and fans where necessary and devices for security. So, why have we not told everyone on earth about Jesus at least once?
Some Christians simply do not know that one third of the world’s people have never heard of Jesus. Who will tell the Christians? Who will tell the unreached about Jesus? Many Christians believe that missions is something that missionaries do, not ordinary Christians. Who will show them God’s design? Who will show them the great blessings that are theirs through serving Him?
We work with local church leadership and individuals to assist the Body of Christ to understand our Commission, to engage people in growing relationships, to impart vision for action among the unreached, to reveal opportunities to pray, give, support, send and go.
We endeavor to love God, love people, make disciples and focus on people who have no other access to truth. We speak to groups of any size about God’s purpose for people on earth and our role in His plan. We engage individuals about serving as missionaries and sending people who are willing to go.
Would you like to help us do this?
People of all kinds of skills are needed. Like volunteers, Ethnos360 Career missionaries raise their own funds through work, family, friends and churches to support their ministry endeavors.
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