Randy’s links

Information & video links about Ethnos360.

Ethnos360 Training

Video Testimonies – bit.ly/2EMjaqX

Ethnos360 Aviation web page. – ethnos360aviation.org

Personnel Needs – Career, Associate, Volunteer: ethnos360.org/go/career-missions/positions

Career Missionsethnos360.org/go/career-missions

The Preliminary Questionnaire is the application starting point for Ethnos360.
➔➔ https://fs17.formsite.com/ntmcc/form19/index.html <– <–

This page is intended as an introductory directory for serious inquirers and does not include many other excellent resources.


Randy's Links

A quick intro to Ethnos360

General Intro

learn to depend on God

Training for Success

Hear From Those Who Have Done It

Wayumi – Cross-Cultural Church-Planting Missions Intro – wayumi.com

Ethnos360 Bible Institutes – 2 year Bible & Missions – e360bible.org

Ethnos360 Missionary Training Center – bit.ly/2Cknjzu


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