Why Send 100?

Why send 100?

Breaking up the task of reaching 2500 unreached people groups into smaller tasks, we are working to send 100 missionaries with 100 supporters to 100 unreached tribes.

Would you like to have a part?

We are endeavoring to send 100 missionaries to entire language groups of people who may not otherwise hear of Jesus in their life time.

To launch this campaign we need a team of 100 financial supporters, prayer partners and advocates to help us locate 100 people to send as missionaries.

Each missionary family will also need to build a team of 100 supporters to enable them to minister effectively.

There are already 100 tribes asking for a missionary to tell them about God. Many more do not even know enough to ask.

Eternal life is forever.
Everyone should have access.
Provision has been made in Christ.
Some people just don’t know about it!

This site is about cooperative teamwork to get the word out to the messengers who will carry the message of eternal life to remote people who have not heard.

New Tribes Mission Core Values:

More at ntm.org/randy_smyth