Eternal life through faith in Christ is available to all who believe. Before they can believe someone will have to tell them.
Who can tell them? It will have to be someone who already knows the message!
What can we do about it?
We can go to tell them ourselves.
If we can’t go, we can send and support someone else who is able to go.

The Commission
Our commission includes going into all of the world and teaching people to observe all that Christ commanded. Teaching everything requires time on location. If you live near the ends of the earth, it really helps to have team to help you complete the job in your life time. You could help people see God’s point of view and commission.
The Team
The team includes the builders, school teachers, accountants, administrators, leaders, consultants, supply buyers, pilots, mechanics and a host of other people who can help you stay on location and focused on what you are there to do: make disciples Christ. Y0u could help people see a role they could have on the team.
The Tasks
All the way from your home church who sent you, to the people who help you teach and translate scripture, God raises up people with a wide variety of skills to assist you with accomplishing the smaller tasks necessary to accomplish the main task. The main task? Establishing thriving churches of Christians who will teach others.
From Where?
Where do missionaries come from? How do ordinary people join the team planting churches among remote people groups? Their journey often starts by being intentionally invited. Someone has to tell them what, why, how, when, and where. You might prepare people to be career missionaries and equip them for that work.
No Supers
Ordinary people hear God’s word and they begin believing it. They adopt God’s values. They begin hearing about needs. Then they devote their strength and energy to God’s purposes; one objective and one person at a time. You might invite people to take the next step of faith toward reaching the least reached.
Do What’s Nearest
You can help us build relationship bridges, extend the invitation and expand our communication to people who would join us if only they knew what we are doing and the people who have no messengers.

Be An Exponent
Would you like to help us engage people who might be interested in hearing about unreached language groups and what God is doing to reach them? People who know you will listen to you more readily than us. You might connect with people you know far better than a visiting mobilizer or missionary every could. Would you like to learn more? Here are just a few stories of what other people have done.
Personal Support
Be there. Being with people where they do what they do is a major factor in ministering to people. Inviting them home is one way to engage people. Our freedom to live where we live, to invite people into our home, and to work toward reaching unreached people groups is made possible by our monthly financial supporters. We live by faith in God to provide for us month to month. He often provides through the generosity of people who share our passion for Him and others. Would you like to help strengthen our foundation for ministry?
Ministry Bolstering
Go there. Expanding ministry means going where people gather. Our ministry funding comes from those gifts which are in excess of our personal needs and gifts which are designated for a specific purpose. Most interactions require an outlay of fuel and transportation. Many have associated hospitality expenses. Some require a large fee for the privilege of setting up a display table and engaging people. Would you like to assist us with monthly ministry expenses or some special projects?
Be A Promoter
Bring it forward! What you have learned, invite others to learn. An exponent might promote but a promoter might not be an exponent. Would you like some ideas of things you could do?
Do you need an introduction to tribal missions? What is this all about? What training is available? What do I need to know to encourage people in my church? New Tribes Mission has a training available to equip people with information about the next step.
You are going! Hurray! You are an answer to our prayers.
The best thing you can do now is connect with someone who can help you ask the questions you didn’t know you need to ask. Contact us!
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