
Acting on behalf of other people:

Knowledge is the power to act.
Preparation is the will to act.
Health is the strength to act.

Funding is the freedom to act.

Missionary Exponent, Advocate, Promoter, Champion, Campaigner, Backer, Booster.

A missionary who introduces himself may have credibility in time.

A missionary introduced by an exponent starts with the credibility and influence of established relationships.

Often, in areas of trust, it is not what you know but who you know that counts.

Many missionaries can tell stories of key individuals who took it upon themselves to help them through actively introducing them to a variety of church leaders, small groups, church programs, teachers, schools and conferences where the missionary could share their passion and vision. Often those sponsored relationship tend to be the most enduring and deepest partnerships in the task of reaching tribes. Over my 20+ years of ministry, the supporters who were introduced to us by someone else are the ones who have been partners with us through the hard times.

Exponent –

a : one that expounds or interprets
b: one that champions, practices, or exemplifies
c: a person or thing that is a representative, advocate, type, or symbol of something.

Being a Missionary Exponent or advocate is an effective way to assist missionaries with connecting in the home country.  

An Exponent can assist with:

  • Helping the Body to maintain awareness of God’s eternal purposes on earth.
  • Keeping the plight of the unreached tribes in front of the Body.
  • Organizing opportunities for their missionary to have an impact.
  • Rallying others toward action for eternal benefit.
  • Fundraising to enable their missionary to be more effective.
  • Endorsing and promoting Special Projects.
  • Educating all ages or providing opportunities for education about tribal church planting.
  • Inviting a missionary speaker or mobilization representative to encourage, invite, motivate and educate.

Ready-made opportunities for action and education: 

  •– Send a group for a life changing weekend.
  • Interface – Send an explorer for a five week missions experience in Papua New Guinea.
  • EBI – Ethnos360 Bible Institute – Give students what they REALLY need. A practical Bible education.
  • MTC – Missionary Training Center – Hands-on training for serious career missionary candidates.
  • Short Term Missions – Volunteer, Teach, Build, Heal, Fix, Compute, Network.
  • Associate Missionaries – 6 months or more

Ethnos360 Intro

Introduction to Ethnos360, getting missionary training, and supporting missions. 

Five Things

What are five things you should know about global missions?

Missions FAQ

What are common questions people ask about missions, support, safety, and sending?

Missions is about access to the Gospel. What can we do here to give access there?