Establish Disciples
It’s about knowing God and helping other people to believe Him.
Have you ever lived in or visited a place where people have no access to the Gospel; where people have no Bibles, no churches, and no Christians in their community who speak a language they clearly understand? The longer you are there, the deeper you feel it. Grief is high, accompanied by hopelessness and despair. Darkness, deception and evil habits run deep wherever Christ is unknown.
What a great joy it is to return to a community of believers who are gathering together to worship our Savior; where nearly everyone knows the name of Jesus and sings hymns of praise for what He has done for us! What great hope there is in a congregation where many individuals know God’s word and may be a witness for Jesus in a dark place.
Global missions is about giving access to the Good News. Global outreach is about establishing thriving communities of Christ’s witnesses, through evangelism and discipleship, in places where Christ is still unknown.
It has been said, “God has no grandchildren.” Each one of us started without any knowledge of God. From the resurrection of Jesus until now generations of Christians have acted with intention to bring the Gospel to us so that we could pass on what we have learned to others.
After believing God’s written word about the identity and work of Jesus Christ, we have had to add to our faith virtue, knowledge, temperance, patience, godliness, brotherly kindness and charity to avoid being barren and unfruitful. (2 Peter 1:5-7 KJV) Like Timothy we have been charged to commit the things that we have learned to faithful men who will teach others also.
Missionaries to the least reached people groups have had to put a lot of thought into how to accomplish, as Jesus commanded, “teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you.” (Mt. 28:20)
Over time, Ethnos360 missionaries have come to realize some Biblical principles* that, when applied, are effective in any language and culture. If we want to send people to other parts of the earth who know God, are growing in faith, and equipped for ministry as career missionaries, we must lay the Biblical foundations for that to occur with every person who is willing.
The “Establish” series is a great resource to assist with laying those foundations. It is not a formula or a replacement for complete dependence upon the Spirit of God to work through us as inadequate vessels, however it is a great tool that has been used to disciple many through “all the counsel of God.”
I first heard about Foundation Bible Teaching* in 1980 but did not know what the fuss was about until I heard the Bisorio Story in 1983. When “Ee-Taow! The Mouk Story” came out in 1988 I learned a bit more. I used Trevor McIlwain’s “Firm Foundations” material to teach Sunday School to children K-12 in 1987-1989 and learned even more. When I finished my flight training, missionary training, and field orientation in 1995, it was my privilege to begin flying in support of the Bisorio people, the Mouk people, and missionaries serving many other people groups where there are now thriving churches who are partnering with us in ministry. The fruit of their clear understanding of the Gospel, intentional discipleship and equipping continues to glorify God through their witness to other ethnic groups and partnership with us in the Gospel
I have seen the abundant fruit of Foundational Bible Teaching over the past three decades and there are a variety of resources available based on these principles.
The “Establish Series” was developed by a co-worker whom I have served since 1998 as he ministered among the Mengen people in Papua New Guinea. While in Canada for various reasons of the years, there has been a growing demand for a resource in English that could be used among the “First Nations” peoples of northern Canada. This latest edition was published last year. I did not see how effective is this Establish series is until I began using it myself to teach young adults this past year. I highly recommend it!
We need people who are rooted in Christ and ready engage as senders and laborers.
My intent hope is that you and your team may also use this resource to prepare people to bear much fruit to the glory of the Father. It is necessary that future missionaries be established in Christ in their local churches before they can be effectively sent to the ends of the earth by their leaders to establish thriving churches where Christ is not known.
Here is a digital sample of “Establish Discipler 1”… https://www.establishseries.com/about-establish
The updated videos that match the book sample are here. https://www.establishseries.com/101-videos-2022
The associated PowerPoint slides are also available for download there.
You can view the PowerPoint slides from “Discipler’s Prep (Equipping A)” here… (Red book.) – https://www.establishseries.com/equipping-adisciplers-prep
Thanks for your ministry!
5 Things – “We will teach you God’s word from beginning to end.”